Dental Crowns

Dental Crown Procedures

Dental Crown Procedures

Have you considered Dental Crowns but are unsure on how to start or where to find the right information? Please call Dr Bob Cvetkovic on 03 9882 3366 for the right advice, also the information bellow sourced from provide you with insightful knowledge from an Australian perspective.

What are dental crowns?

Made from porcelain, ceramic , glass or metal dental crowns are coverings that cover the tooth, supporting a broken or decayed tooth both functionally and visually.

When does one require a dental crown?

  • Broken and decayed Teeth when not enough tooth structure is left for a filling.
  • After root canal treatments.
  • Protecting a tooth that is weak and at risk of breaking or fracturing.
  • Cover stained or badly shaped teeth.
  • Act as an anchor for a bridge or denture.

How are dental crown procedures performed?

  • A mould of the tooth is taken to shape the crown to the original shape of the tooth.
  • A dental technician will create the crown.
  • The tooth is reshaped by having its outer layer removed.
  • The crown is then placed over the reshaped tooth.

Caring for dental crowns

Caring for crowns require the same level of care as normal teeth, to understand good oral hygiene practices read Brushing Teeth and Oral Hygiene Practices or check out Pro Tips from the ADA.


Australia, Healthdirect. “Dental Crown Procedure.”, 4 May 2021,

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